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Understanding What a Webmaster Does

In Webmaster Resources | on April, 22, 2011 | by | 0 Comments

The role a webmaster plays cannot be understated. They are an asset when it comes to website building and developing, and ensuring that the website is running without any hitches of either hardware or software nature. Their area of expertise surrounds the technicalities of creating a website, using the most recent technologies, to ensure that your site is not only accessible, but intuitively designed, and with an easy navigation system, especially if it is a large website.


Understanding what a webmaster does is important if you are planning on hiring one. When you do, you will know what to expect from them as your website is being created. Before divulging to those specifics first, it is important to appreciate the fact that the job of a webmaster is not as clear cut, because they involve themselves in so many parts of creating a website. Their primary role is in the maintenance of the website, making sure server configurations are done right, and that any new pages needed are added to the site in a correct manner. However, a webmaster does take part in other aspects of website creation. For instance, they can help establish the framework of the website, and therefore, carry out the function of an engineer. They can also be involved in the creation of computer generated images, and general design, again, carrying out the function of a web graphics designer. It is this diverse nature that makes a webmaster such an important force as far as website creation is concerned.


A webmaster is supposed to be deeply endowed with knowledge in all the programming languages that are needed in establishing a site. The most common one is HTML, which can be considered as the coding language for a website. Basic knowledge in HTML doesn’t cut it. Rather, a webmaster is supposed to be an expert, mostly because all the content created for the website needs to be in HTML. They also need to understand the programming languages available. C Programming and Perl are favorites and a good webmaster is supposed to know at least one of them. Knowledge in JavaScript, CSS, PHP, and Apache and so on is also considered to be important.


Content management can also be part of the webmasters responsibility. This task is more involving in terms of knowing the best content to have in the website and basically content placing. They might not be directly involved in the creation of the content. That’s because the job is too demanding, and for a website that relies on pages of daily content, the task is best delegated to someone else who can give the task all the attention it deserves.


Even from this vivid description of the responsibility of a webmaster, one can’t help but appreciate their importance. As long as you own a website, you should have a webmaster that will take care of your site. Unless you know what to do when your website goes offline or you know how to manage content, including addition and deletion of pages, then you need a webmaster.

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